I am the eleventh hour.

June 21, 2010
In order to digest this whole post I would suggest you pick up your Bible (or your friend's Bible) and read Matthew 20:1-19; the parable of the vineyard workers. This might require wiping the dust of that old thing, but trust me it's worth it.

(this is a summary for those who decide not to read the story)
In the parable He talks about a vineyard owner who goes out to find workers early in the morning for a days work. He does so and promises these men a days wage. Later he goes out and collects more and so on and so on- at 9, 12, and 3 (v.3-5)- until it comes to 5 o' clock. It says that the vineyard owner finds men who are just standing around the market and offers them the job (FOR ONE HOUR).. they go and work. At the days end, the owner gathers all of the workers and gives them the promised wage. What you'll notice is that the workers who come in at 5 o' clock get the same exact wage as the people who start working at 6 in the morning. Obviously, some of the men get a little steamed about this and start to complain.

What is so beautiful about this parable is that it is a clear picture of us! 

A few weeks ago Mark Henry, a pastor from Fellowship Bible Church, gave a message preached on this passage and before hearing it I never realized how awesome this passage is to open our eyes to what kind of people we are. There are a number of ways to apply to us today but one of the greatest (and simplest to understand) is that of the men who come to work at 6 o' clock and those who come to work at 5 o 'clock.

The men who were hired at 6 are those of us who have been following Christ for a long time. And those men who were hired at 5 in the afternoon are those of us who have only been following Christ for a short time. The tendency of some who have been following Jesus for longer than others, is to immediately turn up their noses at the thought of the "new-comers" getting as much reward as themselves. 

For example.. there is a Christian teenager who has been following Jesus for four years and another Christian teenager who has been following Jesus for a few months. As soon as the new Christ-follower gets a chance to speak in front of the whole youth group, the older Christian might have some grumblings.. "Why does he get to talk? I've been a Christian longer than he has. I've read more of the Bible than he has. I deserve more attention than he is getting." And the complaints go on and on.. isn't it true! We are just like that! We can get so mixed up that we don't realize that it doesn't matter long someone has been following Jesus, what matters is that they are indeed following Him! Where have we gone wrong?

Obviously there are many other examples of how the older Christians can complain and why they complain. For anyone who finds themselves stuck in that sin (which I'm sure there are plenty), wake up! Get out the Word and read about how terrible we as people are. Pray that Jesus will remind you how much we desperately need Him to live. We are not good enough to live on our own! Without Christ, we would be NOWHERE and we need to constantly remind ourselves of that.

And with that, we come to the people who were hired an hour before they were paid. These are the people who indeed see how dependant they are upon Christ. These are the brothers and sisters who wake up everyday and thirst for Jesus because they KNOW they need Him. They still have that excitement about the death and resurrection, and that they get to walk with Jesus each day. 

As a church, we collectively have to have the attitude and mindset of those new comers. We have to breathe the air they breathe each day. I pray that the message of Christ and it's richness will never grow stale and bring boredom to us. Each of us are the eleventh hour (the people who came at 5 in the afternoon). If we remember that we have to have Jesus to live and we keep the mindset of the late comers, wow.. we will live like true Christ-followers. We will live our lives to the full, just as Jesus promised in John 10:10. We will live radical, real lives dedicated to glorifying Jesus with everything we have and everything we are.

I am the eleventh hour.
You are the eleventh hour.
We are the eleventh hour.

Once and for all Eternity. Hallelujah.

If you claim Christ.... Act like it.

April 20, 2010
How much do you have to hate a person to not share Christ with them?

If you claim to know Christ then in turn you are claiming to have embraced the greatest gift of all time and therefore are living the most satisfying and purpose-driven ever known to man. If you claim to know Christ then you are saying that you have been found by the abounding grace of Jesus and have been pulled out of the deadlock of hell. You have been forgiven of all the crap that you have done in your lifetime and have y...

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Burning Hearts

March 29, 2010
"Didn't our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?" (Luke 24:32b)

This story is absolutely mind blowing and my guess is that most people in the world have never heard it or read it and even if they have they probably have never grasped the brilliant impact that it could have on our lives. The story is from Luke 24 and it's right after Jesus is resurrected. He meets these two guys on the road to Emmaus and starts to talk with them. They are bo...

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March 1, 2010
If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning."
-C.S. Lewis

I am here for a reason. You are here for a reason. We are here for a reason. 

Since that is established, we are now faced with the universal question that has been asked by every person to ever walk the planet since the beginning of time... "what is that reason?" 

The answers of that question have been thrown around from generation to generation, really all depending upon who you are. The ans...

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Friends For The Wrong Kind of Change

December 4, 2009
So the other day I caught wind of Disney channel's new idea.

The commercial started out with a bunch of the Disney channel stars saying, "what is the most important thing?" And they proceeded to break out in a chorus of, "friendship, friendship, friendship."

But see here's the thing, the commercial wasn't about friendship at all. The commercial, Disney channel's grand idea was about being Eco-friendly. So I am guessing, friends with the earth? I'm not sure they didn't make that part very clear....
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Until the Sun Never Sets

January 3, 2009
"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us- for it is written, "Cursed are those who is hanged on a tree (Deut. 21:23)"- So that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might have come to Gentiles so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith."
-Galatians 3:13-14

Justification means "counted righteous" and in order to be justified what do we have to do? For a long time humanity believed we must follow the law (Mosaic Law, OT laws, etc) in order to inhe...

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The idea of a new crown, Merry Christmas my ambition

December 24, 2008
The definition of ambition is "an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power" and isn't almost humorous that the word has been on my mind 24/7 ever since I had to memorize Antony's funeral speech for English class.

“When the poor have cried, Ceaser hath wept
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff
Yet Brutus says Ceaser was ambitious
And Brutus is an honorable man”

So for two weeks straight I have been set with the question what is ambition? What is the root of this word? Why does this word tear ...

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About Me

Chris Tuttle My heart is broken, and it always will be. My heart is broken for this world and how the love of Jesus Christ is real and there for the taking, and so many people don't catch on. My heart is broken because people don't see the beauty of the gift our Savior gives. I am here to write about the love He has given me and wants to extend to everyone out there. I write to give glory to God.
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