11:05 was formed by a group of students in Arkansas who all agreed that the love of their Lord and savior was too amazing to just keep bottled in to themselves, and they wanted to share it with the world. The term "11:05" comes from a simile that quotes "at the end of my sinful journey, as I wondered why and how I was still alive, I threw both hands up to my God surrendering and giving it all to Him like 11:05" making an imagery of 11:05 on a clock.
So why make a website about it? To show others that they're not alone in some of the things that they go through in their lives. We want to be there for them to assist them in an possible way. We love reaching out to the ones who need it the most and investing by building christian-based friendships.
Time has became so valuable to us, that in our every step, we find a way to apply God's grace and mercy into it for the ones who are watching. We as a unit completely understand that the next second is not promised, and due to that, we strive to show others we love them in various ways possible. This site is just one of the few, so everybody out there can understand that they are not alone in ANYTHING they go through. Heaven is watching!